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Southwest Indiana Foster Care Team

We are a working collaborative of four distinct nonprofits with separate governing boards, missions, and objectives, but we all share a passion for serving kids and families in Indiana’s foster care system. We work together on projects that leverage our respective strengths and resources to improve outcomes for Indiana’s children and youth.


Open your eyes.

Over 500 children in Southwest Indiana are in out-of-home foster care waiting for a family to care for them.


Open your mind.

Over 40 percent of the time those children have to be placed outside of the county they call home. 


Open your heart.

Our community needs you to OPEN your heart to the possibility of becoming a foster family.


Open your arms.

Our kids need homes. Getting involved can make a difference and could change a life. Maybe even yours. 

What can you do? Open your schedule: 

Volunteer at one of our support systems, be a mentor or a court appointed advocate, sponsor a meal or a bike, or donate your time or money. Visit one of our partners below to see how you can become involved.

Watch the video, sign up, and get involved.

Partner with SWIFT and For Evansville by subscribing to the Foster Care Network. The network will connect you to agencies and partners that can help you learn how to provide loving, stable homes for children in foster care.


Learn more about the SWIFT partner resources.


Leverage your business (or nominate a business) to help kids and families in foster care.


Meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of families and children impacted by foster and kinship care.

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Providing for the physical needs of kids in foster/kinship care, easing financial burden and providing emotional support to those who open their homes.


Providing Permanent Supportive Housing and direct-intervention services to homeless, transitional foster care, and at-risk youth and young adults age 16-24.

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