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Join the Church of Evansville in prayer for our schools 


93% of our city prays to God at least once a week.* Imagine if they were unified prayers over the schools in our neighborhoods. That's why we've created a prayer guide that enables Christ followers from every congregation, vocation, and neighborhood to pray consistently on behalf of the schools in the Evansville region. 

sign up

Once you sign up, you will get a daily email five days a week for four weeks.  Each email will cover a different topic related to schools, kids and families, school partners, and the educational system​.

All you have to do is fill out the form to start receiving these emails. 

What's next?

Explore this map showing houses of worship for the Church in Evansville, IN, and the schools close to them. The blue pins are churches and the orange pins are schools.

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* “The U.S. Cities Most Committed to Weekly Bible-Reading & Prayer.”

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